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FAS: Kach Kahane Chai
Description, activities, strength, area of operation and external aid. Links to additional resources. From the Federation of American Scientists. USA.
Foreign Policy Association
Basic information on Meir Kahane and the terrorist groups Kach and Jewish Defense League which he founded.
Guardian Unlimited: Binyamin Kahane
Report on the death of the 34-year-old Rabbi Binyamin Kahane, head of Israel's most extreme settler movement. UK.
ICT: Kach and Kahane Chai
History, terrorist activity, articles, documents, updates and history of attacks. From The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Israel.
Jewish Virtual Library: Rabbi Meyer Kahane
One-page biography of the controversial founder of the JDL and Kach.
Kach leader arrested in `Jewish terror' case
Describing the arrest of two leaders of the outlawed Kach party in connection with terrorist plots to bomb an east Jerusalem girls' school and a Palestinian hospital.
Kach, Bibliography
List of books, journal articles, and links.
Kahane Tzadak, Inc.
Supports the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, and advocates expulsion of Arabs from Israel and the disputed territories. Resources include daily news updates and commentary about Israeli politics.
Official site. Online book, Internet radio with archived broadcasts, petitions and shopping. Chat and forum.
New Kach Movement
Information about the party and policies. Links to news stoires, commentary and Radio Kahane. Membership information and links to international chapters. Chat and message board.
The Holland Sentinel: Extremist's death mars
"American-born son of Meir Kahane ambushed with wife, sparking cries for revenge." Michigan, USA.
The Jerusalem Post: Kahanes slain trying to avoid
Account of the assassinations of Binyamin and Talia Kahane. Israel.