english deutsch
Fraternity and Sorority
Incidents, Black Greeks and Hazing, North-American Interfraternity Conference: Resolut, StopHazing.org: Fraternity Hazing Information, StopHazing.org: Sorority Hazing Information, The Fraternity and Sorority Greek Chat Network
High School
American School Board Journal Tackles Hazing, High School Hazing, High School Hazing, High School Hazing: Tradition or Illegal Activity?, High School History of Hazing 1905-2001, Initiation Rites in High School
Military Hazing
Athletic Hazing, ESPN.com - OTL: Athletes abusing athletes, Hazing prevention site by the University of Vermon
Anti-Hazing Information
Resource from Lycoming College, includes their anti-hazing statement, alternatives to hazing, warning signs, and suggestions for breaking the hazing cycle.
Hazing Clearinghouse of Deaths and Incidents
Unofficial clearinghouse to track hazing deaths and incidents by author of three books on hazing.
Hazing Videoconference at University of Vermont
Now-concluded Conference on positive alternatives to hazing sponsored by University of Vermont. Conference video is for sale.
Hazing, Scholarly Study
Hazing Research as class project.
Is it Hazing or Teasing?
A sample school statement ot parents on distinguishing hazing from teasing, written by Col. Ronald J. Kelly, President, Missouri Military Academy for the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS).
StopHazing.Org - "Educating to Eliminate Hazi
Educational materials, human sources, and other resources to help anti-hazing initiatives among fraternities, sororities, and other groups in society.