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Consultancy and training provider in the area of workplace violence.
All Safety Training
Preparing companies to understand and manage workplace violence.
Benchmark: The Effects of Workplace Violence
Results of a survey of 500 managers about the effects of threats and incidents of workplace violence.
Braun Consulting Group
Contains 16 links to articles and other resources with information about workplace violence.
Building a Workplace Violence Plan
By John Brenner and Betsy Summerfield, VCCA Journal, from the summer of 1996.
Bully at Work - Interview with Tim Field
UPI interview with Tim Field about bullying in the workplace, its psychological background, and economic repercussions.
Bully Online
The UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line, insight into workplace bullying, discrimination, prejudice, abuse, conflict, and other violence.
Crisis Prevention Institute Home Page
CPI offers training in the safe management of disruptive and assaultive behavior, as well as other topics.
Crisis Solutions, Inc.
Consulting and preparing employee assistance programs. Consultants are therapists and business specialists in trauma, violence, sexual harassment in the workplace.
Dealing with Workplace Violence - A Guide for Agen
Intended to assist those who are responsible for establishing workplace violence initiatives at their agencies. HTML and pdf formats available.
Death In The Office: Workplace Homicides
This article focuses on workplace homicides committed by known assailants. It highlights common offender characteristics to help law enforcement apprehend suspects. Finally, it identifies the causes of such crimes, which may prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Does Your Boss Make You Sick?
Discusses how job stress can cause mental and physical sickness and explores what workers can do about stress. Also includes section about Utah workers' compensation.
Domestic Violence Project of Santa Clara County
Over 1100 categorized links, 4000 books, 110 journals, and other information about domestic and workplace violence.
Guidelines for Workplace Violence Prevention Progr
Guidelines for workplace violence prevention for healthcare workers in institutional and community settings.
Homicide Alert
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) article using statistics on workplace homicides to identify high-risk workplaces and occupations. (NIOSH) Publication No. 93-109)
JFO - Targeting Workplace Bullying
Worldwide community project dedicated to helping and promoting targets of workplace bullying.
List of School and Workplace Violence Incidents
List of incidence in workplace and school settings.
Mass Murder and the Postal Purges
Contains commentary by Fred Dungan.
Media Guide:Workplace Violence
Articles, preprogrammed search tools, and resources on Workplace Violence and prevention.
Narcissism in the Boardroom
UPI series of articles about bullying in the workplace committed by narcissistic managers.
Narcissistic Bullies in the Workplace
Chat transcript about abusive bullies in the workplace - bosses, colleagues, suppliers, and clients.
National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace
Center for research, consulting, training, and communication aregarding occupational violence prevention.
Open Site - Workplace Violence and Abuse
Open encyclopedia article about workplace violence and abuse.
Prevent Workplace Violence During Terminations
25 Ways to Prevent Workplace Violence During Terminations - by William S. Frank.
Psychopaths in Suits
Psychopaths in management and in positions of corporate authority - transcript of ABC Radio National's Background Briefing.
SafetyLine - Online
The site has a fully searchable database of resources, solutions, practices, news, Australian law, and information on workplace violence.
Stripclubs According to Strippers: Exposing Workpl
An investigation of women's experiences in stripclubs related to physical and sexual violence. The article examines the conditions, organization structure of the industry, and typical interactions with customers.
Tackling 'people problems' in the workpl
Information and advice on 'people problems' in the workplace - stress, discrimination, bullying and harassment, conflict, and poor teamwork.
The Crime Library - Workplace Homicide
Spotlight on major cases and some warning signs.
The Work Advisor
Workplace violence and harassment prevention company. Offering videocassettes, cd-rom courses, web based solutions, on-line learning, conflict management resolutions and consulting.
Violence in the Workplace
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health publication discussing Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies of workplace violence.
Workplace Bully
Facts, recommended reading, and handling tips regarding workplace bullying, abuse, and discrimination.
Workplace Violence
A web site dedicated to the awareness and prevention of workplace violence.
Workplace Violence
Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Resources on the web. Information on Workplace Violence, guidelines and training materials are available.
Workplace Violence
Downsizing, increased workload, questions about the future are adding to stress and worry and the potential for violence must be prepared for.
Workplace Violence - a Bibliography
Books dealing with workplace violence, prevention, protection, management, containment, and liability, are listed here with hyperlinks to Amazon where they can be reviewed and ordered online.
Workplace Violence Research Institute
Workplace Violence Research Institute is an educational and research consortium. Site contains articles on the subject of workplace violence and online ordering of resource material.
Workplace Violence...at the Office?
This site discusses the recent trends of violence in office settings and what steps can be reasonabley taken to prevent it.