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News and Media
BBC News: Kashmir Flashpoint, CNN In-depth Specials: Kashmir - Where Conflict Ru, Guardian Unlimited - Weblog Special: Kashmir, Guardian Unlimited Special reports: Kashmir, Kashmir News, Oneworld.net Special Report: Kashmir Flashpoint, Telegraph: India Factfile, Washington Post: Kashmir on the Brink, Yahoo! Full Coverage: Kashmir Dispute
"Propaganda War" Receives a Makeover
Pakistan's president has taken steps to improve his country's image in the intractable conflict with India.
Arundhati Roy: Under the Nuclear Shadow
Describes the life of people in India under the threat of nuclear war. The Observer, UK.
August 1914 in Pakistan
Nicholas D. Kristoff reports on the opinions of Pakistani citizens.
BBC News Special Report: Flashpoint Kashmir
Examines the roots and causes of the Kashmir dispute [Last update: 2000].
BBC News: The Future of Kashmir?
Looks at possible scenarios for the outcome of the Kashmir dispute.
Benazir Bhutto: Musharraf Must Go
The former prime minister of Pakistan and leader of the largest opposition party says that a regime change in Islamabad is the only way to prevent a war.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: India
Provides current news, analysis, maps and charts, information on recent events and publications, and a comprehensive directory of related information and organisations.
A forum for people interested in the India-Pakistan conflict.
Emergency Net - News Reports of Escalating Conflic
A collection of articles on the situation in Kashmir in summer 1999.
Global Policy Forum: India and Pakistan
Monitoring international policy-making at the United Nations, and offering U.N. documents, articles and an archive on the Kashmir conflict.
India Pakistan Arms Race and Militarisation Watch
E-mail discussion group for peace activists, covering arms sales to the region, acquisitions, development and deployment of new weapons, the implications of militarisation, and the conduct of intelligence agencies.
India's Deadly Defence: the 1,800 Mile Long M
Indian army and security forces have started to lay hundreds of thousands of anti-personnel mines along the entire length of its 1,800-mile border with Pakistan.
Indians and Pakistani Citizens Oppose War in Kargi
Writings on the undeclared war, on the danger of nuclear war and on the relations between India and Pakistan, collected in May-June 1999.
Salman Rushdie: In Kashmir, Déjà-vu is a Way of Li
A comment on the history of the conflict and the reluctance of the international community to intervene. The Guardian, UK.
Time to Hear Kashmir's Cry
Describes the dangerous mood in the province.
United Nations Military Observer Group in India an
News, information on the UN mandate, facts, a map and UN documents, from an organization created in 1949 to supervise the ceasefire between India and Pakistan in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and since renewed to monitor the 1971 ceasefire.
Virtual Library: Kashmir
A collection of internet sources about Kashmir and the Kashmir conflict.
Wage Peace, Not War
Conflict in Kashmir could vaporise millions, but the world's "moral leaders" are looking away, states George Monbiot. The Guardian, UK.
Wake-Up Call
Henry Porter comments on the surprising little international response to the Kashmir conflict.
Why Nuclear Conflict is a Real Threat
Reports on the danger of a nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan. The Guardian, UK.
£1Bn Arms Push to India
The U.K. is mounting an intensive campaign to boost arms sales to India, in spite of the danger of the India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir spilling into war and destabilising the entire region.