english deutsch
Amnesty International: Campaign for the Internatio
Background on the Court and the Rome Diplomatic Conference in the summer of 1998, what Amnesty does and what others can do to help.
Benjamin B. Ferencz: Writings and Lectures on the
Information, audio and video files and links for resources on the homepage of the former Chief Prosecutor for the US at the Nuremberg war crimes trials.
Coalition for an International Criminal Court
The primary NGO provider of online information about the proposed permanent International Criminal Court.
Coalition for an International Criminal Court
Information about the future International Criminal Court which will be a permanent court for trying individuals accused of committing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Council of Europe: International Criminal Court
Documents, translations of the Statute in the European languages, information on ratification and related links. In English and French.
Global Policy Forum: International Criminal Court
Provides coverage on the ICC crisis in the Security Council, articles and archive, analysis, and links.
Guardian: Calling all tyrants
Commentary on the ICC by Peter Hain.
ICC Monitor
A publication of the NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court.
Independent Student Coalition for an International
United States based student advocacy group that supports the International Criminal Court.
International Criminal Court Alliance
California-based research and education group advocating American participation in the ICC. Lists goals, contact information, and related links.
International Criminal Court: Resources in Print a
A list of internet resources, books, journal articles, and other resources.
Making the Treaty Work
Human Rights Watch ratification campaign for the International Criminal Court.
Reasonable Doubt: The Case against the Proposed In
Cato Policy Analysis by Gary T. Dempsey.
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Official UN website: overview of the proposed court, documentation, ratification status and other relevant public information.
U.S. vs. U.N. Court: Two Worldviews
Serge Schmemann discusses the fundamentally different vision of global organizations in US and Europe. New York Times, US.
USA for the International Criminal Court
Campaigning organisation dedicated to building U.S. support for the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Washington Working Group on the International Crim
The co-ordinating group of the Washington legislative and governmental affairs offices of NGOs committed to the cause of the ICC provides latest news, links for media coverage and resources, memberlist, and fact sheets.
We Can't Allow US Tantrums to Scupper Global
Comment by Hugo Young. The Guardian, UK.