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Allen County Attorney
Contact information.
Coffey County Attorney
Case filing statistics, anatomies of misdemeanor and of felony cases, information on burden of proof, and an explanation of how prosecution is about justice rather than winning.
Cowley County Attorney
Links and contact information.
Dickinson County Attorney
Answers to frequently asked questions, stages of the criminal process, tips for testifying, information on traffic diversion programs, and contacts.
Douglas County District Attorney
Description of office duties, a diversion application(PDF document), speeding ticket reduction information, and contacts.
Finney County Attorney
A summary of the work of the office, a justice-related links page, and a victim/witness information page.
Ford County Attorney
Introduction to the office, anatomy of a misdemeanor and of a felony prosecution, information on the prosecution's burden of proof, and case filing statistics.
Jefferson County Attorney
Contact information.
Johnson County District Attorney
Mission statement, adult and juvenile prosecution policy statements, information for victims, and links to the local district court and community corrections sites.
Kansas Attorney General
Legal opinions, news releases, information for crime victims, and descriptions of the work of each office division.
Kansas County and District Attorneys Association
Information on legislative actions, KCDAA events, jobs, and membership directory updates.
Osage County Attorney
Justice-related links, office contact information, and the local weather and time.
Pratt County Attorney
Mission statement, case load statistics, stages of a criminal case, answers to frequently asked questions, a PDF diversion application, and contact information.
Reno County District Attorney
Summary of office duties, and contact information.
Riley County Attorney
Contact information.
Saline County Attorney
Service description, and contact information.
Sedgwick County District Attorney
Answers to frequently asked questions, PDF diversion forms, death penalty information, Kansas sentencing guidelines, and explanations of legal terms.
Woodson County Attorney
Contact information.