english deutsch
AccessLaw, Inc.
Publisher of California statutes and case law on searchable CD-ROM.
Vendor of electronic libraries of South African legislation, by topic, in such areas as employment, occupational health and safety, labour relations, environmental legislation, and mines health and safety.
Dahlstrom Legal Publishing, Inc.
Publisher of current Federal Rules at discount prices, including Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Bankruptcy Code.
Infosources Publishing
Publishers of directories, practical reference guides, databases and other research tools for legal researchers.
Selling English translations of current Iranian laws and regulations.
Potomac Publishing Company, Inc.
Publisher of United States statutes on CD-ROM and on the Internet.
Quickscribe Services Ltd. British Columbia Legisla
Monitors and updates legislation in numerous specialized manuals.
Research Institute of America
Publisher of U.S. Federal, State and local tax law information and analysis on CD-ROM.