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Becoming a Vegan Family.
How to become a Vegan family. Includes nutrition, books and how to change in steps.
Feeding Vegan Kids by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.
Raising vegan children takes time and thought, but no more than it takes to raise a non-vegan child. This article published by the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) talks about the nutritional needs of vegan children.
The Vegan Family House
A Scottish vegan family's site with information on veganism, children, recipes, medicine, sacred sites and quotes. Has a message board for help and support and also a bookstore.
The Vegan Kid's Room
Tips and advice on raising vegan children - message board for help and advice too.
Vegetarian Baby and Child
Raising vegetarian and vegan babies through to teens. Recipes, nutrition and health information and veggie articles.
Featuring a vegan message board, pregnancy information, profiles, product reviews, parenting advice, vegetarian travel, book reviews, shopping, and gift baskets.