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Naval Special Warfare
SEALs and Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crew includes requirements, FAQs, downloadable forms, preparatory physical training and nutritional programs, training phases, history, and links.
Naval Special Warfare Command
Source of information for naval special warfare, including history, organization, BUD/S, SWCC, recruiting, information, and links.
SpecWarNet United States Navy
Current Units and history of SEALs (SEa, Air, & Land), EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), SBU's (Special Boat Units), Development Group, SEAL Reserves, and UDT - (Underwater Demolitions Teams).
US Navy BeachJumpers
Units with photos of patches for BJU-1, BJU-2 and lists personnel in each unit including history, memorial and tribute to Captain Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.