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Sarcasm, seriousness, and the exploring of new concepts: Absurdism plunges deeper than the usual 'Therianthropy 101' site, and is deeply content-focused.
Dedicated to helping draconcats, and other darker nature Otherkin, shifters, and vampires. Information on pastlives, shifting, familiars, totems animal and spirit guides.
Khaibit's Domain
A wereleopard who helps in Awakening other weres.
Siberian Rose's Lair
Siberian tiger; includes poetry, artwork, and related links.
Stalking Cat
Huron and Lakota man following a tradition of transforming himself into his totem, a tiger.
The Circle of Werecats
A webring for sites about yourself, werecats, feline artwork, feline conservation, observation, or stories.
Weretigers United
Mainly for weretigers, but also for werecats in general and other weres.