english deutsch
Garcia, Andrew T.
Personal information, links, curriculum vitae, contact information, academic and professional details.
Garcia, Bob - Bobworld
Pictures of places and things named Bob, resume, and personal photographs.
Garcia, Gerardo
Collects links and quotations related to invention, open source, and mollusk metaphors.
Garcia, Jan
Contains pictures, a journal, family, a resume, and links.
Garcia, Jigs
Includes downloads, games, computer history, and links.
Garcia, Luis
A web site about the name Luis Garcia. Come here and see if your friend is present on this website.
Garcia, Maria Stella Garcia Maiz
Stories, pictures, quotes, and resume.
Garcia, Patrick and Robin
Torridon Kennel, Rancho de Garcia, Robin's illustrations, and their family.
Garcia, Ruben T.
Contains personal information, karaoke, and photographs.