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Kennedy, Brenda and Kretzer, Jay
A collection of web-published and old-time poetry and some sweet stories.
Kennedy, David
Includes news, a weblog, web design, and links.
Kennedy, Francis Jude
Also known as VyporX. Personal information, forum, web design, pages devoted to various interests.
Kennedy, Jim
Includes music, personal information, news, friends, and family.
Kennedy, Niall
Resume, publications, biography, and links.
Kennedy, Rob
Programs and music Rob has written. Travel and personal information.
Kennedy, Shane
Autobiographical information, as well as articles about mathematics, painting models, and roleplaying games.
Kennedy, Wes - Conquest Commando
Includes funny photos of friends doing funny stuff, as well as muscle cars, college life, and general humour. Also section called Ask Bitterman, where you can ask questions.