english deutsch
Crimes of Honour
Details of television documentary about the practice of honour killing in Jordan and the West Bank. Other information and links.
Honor Killings and Other Abuses Against Women
Honor killings and bride burning - what are they, where and why do they occur, and where to go for help and support.
Sharia Haunt
ShariaHaunt.com offers information to facilitate the efforts of organizations and individuals to stop the implementation of Muslim Sharia laws in Canadian Muslim communities.
The Leaven Center
Leaven is a non-profit organization that provides education and resources in the areas of spiritual development, feminism, anti-racism, and sexual justice.
The Scholarship of Patriarchy
Scholarly article on 1 Timothy 2:8-15): A Response to Women in the Church, Eds. Kostenberger, Schreiner & Baldwin by Alan G. Padgett. (Biblical passage often quoted and interpreted as meaning that women should not be priests or ministers in the church.
WATER, the Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual is a feminist educational center, a network of justice-seeking people that began in 1983 in response to the need for theological, ethical, and liturgical development for and by women.