english deutsch
SI Antwerpen
Includes club history, activities, contact information and projects.
SI Austria
Includes Open Heart - Open Door home hospitality programme, link clubs, Project Lithuania and club forms.
SI Belgium
Provides list of clubs, programme, special projects and meeting information. Updated regularly with news and reports. Links to federation, international and UN. (English, Dutch and French)
SI Berlin
The first German club, founded in 1930. Includes club history, members of the board and contact information, calendar and projects. Describes the Adventure Playground MARIE in Prenzlauer Berg, one of the Berlin city quarters.
SI Europe
Unions and clubs covering Europe and Africa. Includes position statements, federation projects and activities. [IE4+ only]
SI German Union
Includes region news and a weekly updated calendar of national and international Soroptimist activities and links of general interest to women. (English and German)
SI Greece
Includes objectives, programmes, events and club contacts.
SI Iceland
Includes information about Icelandic Soroptimists and Icelandic Soroptimist Week.
SI Italy
Provides contact information and projects including " Woman, You Can Do It!".
SI Netherlands, Surinam and Netherlands Antilles U
Provides details of a scholarship for Soroptimist or non-Soroptimist from Central or Eastern European countries for study or professional training, preferably undertaken in the Netherlands.
SI Spittal/Millstättersee
Includes club meeting information and list of friendship links.
SI Turkey
Provides region history, list of union officers and project information. Online list of turkish clubs.
SI Vienna I
Includes club history, contact and meeting information, speakers, calendar and programme activities. Projects include International SI Youth Croisière and providing equipment and material for a sewing school for children and young people in Seranda, Albania. (English and Deutsche)
SI Zagreb
Includes club history, and information about celebrations, members and projects.