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Aussie Mums Webring
Web ring for personal sites of Austrialian mothers.
Aussie Women on the Web Webring
Web ring for sites owned by Austrialian women.
Boobie Power!
A webring that celebrates breasts, for women who are proud of their busts.
Canadian Gals on the Net WebRing
A place for talented Canadian Ladies to share their websites, their interests and their friendship.
Circle of the Muses
An inspirational web community for women.
Crazy Ladies Society
For women who enjoy laughter, friendships, silliness and imagination both on and off the Net. Monthly events, webring and a Mayhem Patrol.
Enlightened Women of the Web
This webring is about women who have been enlightened either through the things they have done or through things that have been done to them.
Female Singer/Songwriter Webring
A webring devoted to women singer/songwriters such as Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos.
GeekGirls Ring
For sites with content, frequent updates, browser friendly and made by women.
GeekGoddess Ring
An elite webring for women on the leading edge of the feminisation of cyberspace. Membership is now by invitation only.
I am Woman... Hear Me Roar!
This webring is meant to empower women by linking their own creative and outstanding pages together, and hatred will not be tolerated.
Intrigued About BITCH
Being In Total Control of Herself: A webring for strong women who know exactly what they want out of life.
Queen Bee Webring
For women with personal or business web pages that consider themselves Queens of their homes, families, or businesses.
Ring of Jewels
Choose the stone that you feel describes you best or that you feel a connection with, or even that you just like. Upload the graphic to your own server and place it in the fragment.
An independent webring system, supporting girl-centric webrings.
The Certified Bitch
Linking humourous sites which support women.
The Southern Women Webring
Bringing together Southern Women to share their unique culture and way of life.
The WebGoddess Ring
An elite webring for girls that know how to handle HTML. Membership is now by invitation only.
Wise Women Web
A network for women to share their experiences.
Women who like Men WebRing
These women happen to like and appreciate men for their differences.
Women's Homepage Webring
A collection of women's personal homepages, encompassing a variety of topics and issues.
WWW Pregnancy Ring
Webring for sites with information and resources about pregnancy. Ring was started in 1996.