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Australian Widows
By a widow for widows, support resources for widows, helping them through grief onto recovery.
Doors Close, Doors Open
Professional psychologist's book on the process of widowhood.
Empowering Widows in Development
Information and resources aimed at helping widows in developing countries, including news, legal archives, literature and events listings.
Flying Solo
Commercial site with information for those who are new at living life alone. Includes issues in widowhood.
Grief Denied
A book about a vietnam widow, with prologue, summary, readers comments and ordering details.
Healing Your Heart
Monthly article with details of Carol Felvey's seminar schedule and recent book.
Hearts of Survivors Information
Yahoo group for young widows and widowers. Owned and moderated by AnneMarie Iaccarino.
How Should a Widow Cope With the Loss of Her Spous
Anne Fielding describes the principles she learned from Eli Siegel, the great American poet who founded the education of Aesthetic Realism.
Laurie-Ann Weis
Compilation of anonymous bereavement stories from people who have experience of death and dying of a partner.
National Association of Widows in Ireland
Provides support and help to make new friends, find a new beginning and a life full of social activities.
New Hope
Encouragement for those who have lost a spouse. Bi-monthly newsletter, from BC, Canada.
Pagan Widow
Yahoo group calling for Pagans, Witches and Wiccans to find comfort in dealing with a loss of a loved one.
The WAY Foundation
Membership details, merchandise, book loans, documents and support from this self-help social and support network for men and women widowed under the age of 50, and their children.
Forum/ message board for those who have lost a spouse.
Widowed and Young
Lisa Gardemal Hennessy became a widow at the age of twenty-eight. She has written a book which chronicles her journey through her grief.
An information and support resource for, and by, widows and widowers. Topics covered include grief, bereavement, recovery, and other information helpful to those who have suffered the death of a spouse.
Young Widows
Provides listing of support groups, letters, a message boards and related links.
Young Widows
Discussion group of young women who have lost their husbands. Links to member pages.
An nteractive website and nonprofit organization dedicated to young widows and widowers. Boards, support groups and resources.