english deutsch
Literature Prize
Swedish Academy
Peace Prize
Nobel e-Museum: Peace, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, The Norwegian Nobel Institute, The Peacemakers Speak
Britannica Guide to the Nobel Prizes
Guide to the history and winners of the Nobel Prizes.
CNN.com: Nobel Centennial
A retrospective of the Nobel Prizes, includes laureate lists and a video archive.
Nobel Channel
Explores the history of the Nobel laureates and the Nobel Prizes.
Awards the annual prestigious Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, peace, medicine, economics, and literature. Site includes history, listing of laureates, and articles by invited authors.
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Information on past and present Nobel Prize laureates.
The Noble: Visions of Our Century
PBS program explores the discoveries and dilemmas of the last 100 years through the lens of the Nobel Prize.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Selects winners of Chemistry, Physics, and Economics prizes. Describes Academy's research and other activities, along with Nobel resources. [English/Swedish]