english deutsch
Wish Fulfillment
Angelwish, Association of Wish Granting Organizations, Dreams Come True, Grant A Wish, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Starlight Children's Foundation, The Children's Wish Foundation, The Sunshine Foundation
ABC Quilts Project
The Mission of ABC Quilts is to send love and comfort to at-risk children in the form of handmade baby quilts, and to use the process of creating these quilts as a tool for promoting awareness, informed choices and community service.
Bear the Burden
Non-profit organization encourages donations of new teddy bears for abused and neglected children. Includes donation information.
Breath of Hope - Children's Charity
British organization which entertains hospitalized children.
Children and Earth, Inc.
Organization providing underprivileged and at-risk children with special opportunities that others take for granted.
Earth Angel Foundation
Sends terminally ill children on dream vacations.
Happy Days and Special Times
Goal is to help children with cancer by relieving stress on the family, improving the situation around the child and getting things moving in a positive flow.
Mommy's Light
Dedicated to serving children who have lost or will lose a mother by keeping alive traditions and memories.
Operation Give
Coordinates the collection and distribution of toys and other items for Iraqi children.
Project Linus - Lockheed Martin Chapter
Providing hand-made "security" blankets for tramautized or sick children in the tradition of the security blanket-toting tot of the Peanuts comic strip.
Sunshine Project for Hospitalized Children
Collecting toy donations for distribution to hospitalized and other special needs children.
The Andy Ruenes Foundation
Organization which raises funds to benefit children, teens, and young adults suffering from life threatening diseases. Volunteer information, calendar of events, foundation history, and biography of Ruenes.
TLC for Angels
Crafting handmade items for preemies, babies, and children in need.
When You Wish Upon A Star
An organisation devoted to granting wishes to terminally ill children.