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Sponsors, ACORN, Adopt a Kid in Need (AKIN), All As One, Alliance for Youth Achievement, Cape Verde Care Agency, Childreach / US Member of Plan, Children International, Children, Inc., Childrens Future Norway, Christian Children's Fund
Action pour les Enfants Haïtiens
A non-profit independent working group based in Geneva, committed to education and healthcare for highly disadvantaged Haitien children. Features sponsorship, donations, history, newsletter and accounting.
Aim for Frestoration of Hope Uganda
Ministry which seeks to meet the spiritual, health, and economic needs of HIV/AIDS widows and orphans. Photographs, goals, and FAQ provided.
Amer-Haitian Bon Zami Inc.
Supports impoverished children in Haiti, including the House of Hope home for girls.
Bayti Association
Works in Mexico to offer disadvantaged children assistance and education.
Catalyst Foundation
A non-profit organization to improve the lives of orphaned and abandoned Vietnamese children through sponsorships, direct relief and adoption. Offers profile, resources, feedback and adoption information.
Children Action
Children Action is a charitable foundation for disadvantaged children throughout the world. Discover the programmes run by the foundation, the prevention of adolescent suicide and how to make a donation.
Children Care
Raising money to support health, education and better living for children in India
Children's Hunger Fund (CHF)
Food and clothing distribution to needy families; support of orphanages and feeding programs worldwide; disaster relief; job training and placement for youth and young adults; Christmas toy distribution; and other projects geared toward improving the quality of life of American children in need.
Children's Hunger Relief Fund (CHRF)
Responds to children's immediate physical, emotional, and spiritual needs following drought, earthquake, hurricane, war, and other disasters.
Children's Network International
Provides food, clothing, personal hygiene items, medical supplies and educational materials to needy children. Gives an overview, request for support, annual reports, current projects.
Covenant House
Information on the services and programs of the US-based childcare agency providing shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth.
Dennis Martinez Foundation
Finances disaster relief globally in addition to its focus on rehabilitation services for less fortunate children in Nicaragua.
Ethiopian Children's and Orphan's Associ
Helping unfortunate children and orphans in Ethiopia. Projects, fundraising and information about Ethiopia.
Foundation Wonderland
Supporting under-privileged Romanian children.
Helping Hands for Children
Provides adequate food, clothes, shelter and quality education for children in Africa.
Honduras Relief Effort
Non profit charitable organization helping impoverished children through volunteer medical missions, vocational and sponsor-a-child programs. Features ways to help, donations, mission statement and volunteer missions.
Humanitarian Services for Children of Vietnam (HSC
Provides aid to homeless and orphaned children in Vietnam. Information about the organization and its current projects.
Indian Children's Fund
Aiding poverty stricken children in India.
A Chicago area charity providing formula and clothing to needy infants. Mission, newsletter, articles and an income and expense statement.
International Childcare Trust (ICT)
Partners with local NGOs worldwide to implement innovative and cost-effective development and relief initiatives for the poorest members of the community.
Miami Children's Foundation
Provides toys, canned foods, and clothing to less-privileged children globally and offers tutoring for local children.
Mission Noah
Provides food, clothing and medical supplies to children in need and their families.
Pearl S. Buck International
Bringing hope to children worldwide through health, education, livelihood protection, psychosocial development and adoption programs.
Pueblito Canada
Supports the development of local health care, childcare and education programs in Latin America. Based in Canada.
Railway Children
Working for the runaway and abandoned children who live in or around the world's railway stations.
SOS Children's Villages
Offers abandoned, orphaned and destitute children, regardless of race, nationality or creed, a new and permanent home; and prepares them for an independent life. In English, Deutsch, Français, Español.
The Jaffa Institute
A non-profit child welfare agency in Jaffa, Israel, providing over 35 educational and social support programs to over 3,000 severely disadvantaged children, both Jewish and Arab.
The Phelex Foundation
The foundation promotes basic education for disadvantaged children in rural Asia. Offers a profile, programs, news and request for support.
The Street Children of Nepal Trust
Works to relieve hunger, improve nutrition, relieve financial hardship and support the education of poor and homeless street children in Nepal.
The Turning Point Trust
Working with homeless children living in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya.
Toybox Charity
Promoting the awareness of the plight of the street children of Guatemala and Latin America and to bring an end to their suffering.
Vision Africa - Give a Child a Future
Provides food and education to the street children of the slums of Kenya and builds childrens homes and schools. Based in the UK.
World Children's Fund
Global network to help rescue children who are abandoned, distressed, exploited, hungry, sick or suffering.