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Meeting place for people involved in the EVS (European Voluntary Service) program. Allows volunteers to share their experience and ideas with other EVS volunteers. Also contains EVS news and updates.
Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisatio
Represents national organisations running international voluntary service projects, to promote community development, intercultural understanding and peace. Includes information on member associations, with links.
Camphill Communities of Ireland
Communities creating a comprehensive, therapeutic and supportive environment where people with special needs can live and make their home together with volunteers and voluntary helpers and reach their full potential.
DRH Movement
Danish organization training development instructors for Humana People-to-People development projects. Includes articles by volunteers in a variety of situations.
DRH Norway - One World Volunteers Institute
Runs a volunteer development program, recruiting and training volunteers, sending them on volunteer placements and then working with them to record and disseminate information on their return.
EIL - Cultural and Educational Travel
Aims to bring people from different cultures together to improve international understanding. Places individuals into community and volunteer programmes, usually in homestays, where they share the lives of national inhabitants of the visited country.
Internationella Arbetslag (IAL)
Swedish branch of Service Civil International (SCI) working for an ecological and multicultural society characterized by solidarity, non-violence and understanding between people. Information on workcamp and exchange programs. (in English and Swedish)
Jesuit European Volunteers
Information about a programme for men and women willing to offer a year's service, living in community, directly with the poor and marginalized. Includes links to national programmes.
MAR - Bulgarian Youth Alliance for Development
Organizes youth workcamps in Bulgaria with many volunteers from around the world, focusing on youth and democracy-building.
Online volunteering opportunities. Local communities in developing countries get a Village on this web site. Visitors are invited to become virtual neighbors of these Villages and to help solve the problems of the local communities.
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Supports organisations in the South committed to fighting poverty and improving local governance. SNV provides technical and organisational expertise, and support in change processes.
South East European Youth Network (SEEYN)
Organization promoting volunteer opportunities for young people from South East Europe outside the area, and opportunities within SEE youth organisations and on workcamps, for volunteers from elsewhere in the world.
Sunseed Trust / Sunseed Desert Technology
Develops ways of reclaiming semi-arid land and helping the lives of people living on such land, through research and experimentation, an ecological lifestyle and education.
The European Volunteer Centre (CEV)
European umbrella association of twenty-nine national and regional volunteer centres across Europe. Includes an overview of volunteer opportunities in Europe.
United Nations Volunteers Online Volunteering Serv
Worldwide online volunteering opportunities of United Nations Volunteers. Volunteers can find online volunteer assignments on this web site. Non profits in developing countries looking for online volunteers can post assignments here.