english deutsch
Rand Afrikaans University
Department of Philosophy - Auckland Park, South Africa - BA, MA, MPhil (Ethics), PhD. In English and Afrikaans.
Rhodes University
Department of Philosophy - Grahamstown, South Africa - BA, MA, PhD. Home of Philosophical Papers, an international journal of analytic philosophy. In English.
University of Cape Town
Department of Philosophy - Cape Town, South Africa - BA, MA, MPhil, PhD
University of Natal, Durban
Philosophy Programme - Durban, South Africa - BA, MA, PhD
University of Pretoria
Department of Philosophy - BA, MA, DPhil. Home of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities, and its journal, the Phronimon.
University of Stellenbosch
Department of Philosophy - Matieland, South Africa - BA (single and joint degrees), MA, MPhil (Applied Ethics), DPhil. Home of the Centre for Applied Ethics. In English and Afrikaans.
University of the Free State
Department of Philosophy - Bloemfontein, South Africa - BA, MA, PhD. In English and Afrikaans.
University of the Western Cape
Department of Philosophy - Bellville, South Africa.
University of the Witwatersrand
Department of Philosophy - Gauteng, South Africa - BA, MA (by coursework or research), PhD.
University of Zimbabwe
Department of Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy - Harare, Zimbabwe - BA, MA, MPhil, PhD