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Bioethics - journal
Bioethics is the official journal of the International Association of Bioethics. Info about editorial board members, subscriptions, table of contents
Developing World Bioethics
journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishers website.
Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of
Ethics & Medicine is an international bioethics journal which reasserts the Hippocratic consensus in medicine.
Journal of Medical Ethics
First published in 1975, Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading international journal, which reflects the field of medical ethics.
Monash Bioethics Review
Australia's oldest and its only peer reviewed bioethics journal. Original articles, ethics committee supplement, news in brief, book reviews and resources.
The American Journal of Bioethics
The American Journal of Bioethics and bioethics.net is to provide the clinical, legal, academic, scientific, religious and broad community-at-large with a rapid but comprehensive debate of issues in bioethics. Our further goal is to inspire and inform research and writing across disciplines, through target articles, peer commentary, book reviews, qualitative research, literary criticism, photography and graphic arts, and comments on developments in law and medical science.
The American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics -
Information about two of the USAs peer reviewed journals, The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics and The American Journal of Law & Medicine.