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AIDS in AFRICA ELSI repository
site contains comprehensive information on ethical, legal, social issues of HIV/AIDS in Africa. substantial folders on clinical trials, vacccine trials, research ethics, research regulation
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
A research ethics course presented by Dr. Ruth Macklin, Professor of bioethics in the department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine.
APA Ethics Office
American Psychological Association sanctioned resources for ethics in psychology, including guidelines for human and animal studies, rules and procedures, and ethical principles.
Bioethics Division at Wits Medical School - Resour
Links providing resources on international research ethics, animal experimentation, general research ethics
Chesapeake Research Review, Inc.
An commercial organisation providing ethics and scientific review of clinical studies. Also offers consultation and training to IRBs.
Citizens for Responsible Care and Research is an independent non-profit human research protection advocacy agency.
Clinical Research in Developing Countries
Udo Schuklenk criticises in Journal of medical ethics policy proposals from the US NIH sugggesting that lower than best proven standards of care might be acceptable in clinical trials in the developing world.
David J. Rothman: The Shame of Medical Research
Rothman article from The New York Review of Books.
DOE Office of Human Radiation Experiments
The U.S. Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects.
DOE Protecting Human Subjects
Ethics regulations, guidelines and resources for employees of the U.S. Department of Energy.
Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Partici
Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Participants. US Library of Medicine bibliography.
Human Research Ethics Handbook - Cover Page
The Australian government's National health and Medical Research Council's handbook on research ethics.
Institutional Review Board (US research ethics com
Informative site of commercial IRB service provider.
International research ethics
Norwegian research ethics site dedicated to collaborative clinical trials in developing countries
Internet Research Ethics
Examines various issues of research in the cyberspace domain. AAAS workshop report.
King's College - Centre of Medical Law and Et
Systematic training in ethical review of research proposals involving human subjects.
North Carolina State University Research Ethics Pr
Our program supports research, education, and engagement in research ethics.
Office of Research Integrity - U.S. Public Health
ORI Indices of publications, guidelines and regulations, and other resources.
Professional Responsibilities of Biommedical Scien
Journal of medical ethics article describes how a small but vocal group of biomedical scientists propagates the views that either HIV is not the cause of AIDS. Criticises publicity seeking behaviour of minority scientists as unprofessional conduct. Describes the consequences of minority scientists' public campaigns in South Africa.
Research Program Ethics in Biomedicine, Uppsala Un
The program intitiates and coordinates research in biomedical ethics through multi-disciplinary networks of scholars at Uppsala University and other universities in Sweden and abroad.
Resources on Experiments Performed by the Atomic E
Big index of sites related to human radiation experiments. Last updated in 1997.
University Human Research Ethics Manual Booklets
Booklets on human research ethics are added here as they are completed by the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. MSWord97 and *.rtf formats.