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Buffalo Ontology Site
Information on ontology, on the history of ontology, and on contemporary ontology and its applications.
Descriptive and Formal Ontology
An extensive resource site on the development of ontology, especially in the twentieth century.
Metaphysics of Quality
Robert M. Pirsig deals with the fundamentals of existence and attempts to provide a more coherent system for understanding reality than current paradigms allow.
PhilSci Archive: Idealist Philosophy: What is Real
Paper by Axel Randrup defending idealism and arguing that materialism leads to logical contradictions, which closes by considering the implications of this for religion.
Qualia: The Knowledge Argument
Aims to establish that conscious experience involves non-physical properties. It is one of the most discussed arguments against physicalism; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Martine Nida-Rümelin.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Abstract Obje
Survey of attempts to draw the distinction between concrete and abstract objects; by Gideon Rosen.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Events
Survey of philosophical views on the character and status of events; by Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Existence
Survey article by Barry Miller.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Holes
An interesting case-study for ontologists and epistemologists.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Physicalism
Discussion of the thesis that everything is physical; by Daniel Stoljar.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Identity
A principle of analytic ontology first explicitly formulated by Leibniz. It states that no two distinct substances exactly resemble each other.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Tropes
An article describing tropes; by John Bacon.
The Metaphysics of Blue
On the nature of consciousness - looking for soul in a soulless world.
The Shift of Aspect in Language and Thought
Notes on the relational element in the assertion that things exist. Patterned on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.
What is Ontology?
Collected definitions, from leading philosophical reference works and from philosophers from Wolff to Husserl.
Why Does Anything Exist?
Sequence of short essays on this topic.