english deutsch
Ayn Rand's Derivation of Ought from Is
David D. Friedman attempts to disprove Rand's derivation of morality from reality, or "ought" from "is."
Become an Objectivist in Ten Easy Steps
A parody of Ayn-Rand-Thought.
Big Sister Is Watching You
Whittaker Chambers's review of Atlas Shrugged, published in the National Review 1957.
Branden's recent writings on Rand and Objecti
Criticizes Nathaniel Branden's characterization of Objectivism as dogmatic and his swipes at Ayn Rand.
Criticisms of Objectivism (or Ayn Rand)
By Mike Huben.
Critique of The Objectivist Ethics
A response to the essay.
Essays on Ayn Rand's Objectivism
Scott Ryan's resources for the postrandian.
FAQ - What's Really wrong with Objectivism?
A collection of essays on Objectivism, including the sanctions used within Objectivist movement and open or closed Objectivism.
Liberals and Ayn Rand
James Fallows juxtaposes his childhood love for Rand with his later growth.
Libertarian Man
Comic-book satire of a fictional Randian superhero.
Objections to Objectivism
Criticism of Randian ethical theory including its derivation and need to borrow from nonegoist moralities.
Objectivism and Thomas Jefferson
Essays examining Objectivist deviations from Thomas Jefferson.
Open Letter to Rand
Attempt to convert Rand to anarcho-capitalism.
Rand's Literary Style
Why academics are wary of Rand.
The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn
Nathaniel Branden's memoir on the Objectivist experience.
The Metaphysics of Kant
A defense of Kant against Rand.
The Rights (and Wrongs) of Ayn Rand
An analysis of ethical egoism and its link to individual rights.
The Unlikeliest Cult in History
Michael Shermer, of Skeptic Magazine, argues that Objectivism is a cult.
Why I'm Not an Objectivist
A rationalist refutation of some Objectivist axioms.