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A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism
Online book. Various topics examined from an alternative perspective.
A Misapplied Maxim
On Democracy and the U.S. Government.
An Objectivist Theory of Justice
An essay questioning the concept of justice by Thomas S. Porter.
Ayn Rand Among Gay Youth
Paul Varnell explores why Rand has influence amongst young gays.
Ayn Rand and Objectivism Reference Center
Collection of reference materials including FAQs, chronologies, and indexes of Rand's writing.
Darwin and Rand: Resolved
Thesis attempting to reconcile a Darwinist understanding of instincts with Rand's denial of their existence.
DrHurd.com - Solutions not Excuses
A practical guide to an Objectivist approach to Psychology.
Eyal Mozes on Objectivism
Original articles by a long-time member of the Objectivist movement.
Fact and Value
Peikoff's article that prompted the Objectivist schism.
Faith, Rational Beings and the Horizon of Percepti
An description of the horizon of perception as it pertains to Faith and Objectivist thought.
Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand
A book edited by noted Rand scholars that critically engages the writings of Ayn Rand from feminist perspectives.
Franz Lehár Considered from the Objectivist Point
Study of how his compositions, especially The Merry Widow, intertwine with the critical thinking and personal life of the 20th Century philosopher.
Importance of Philosophy
Concept charts and apologia delineating Objectivist ideas.
Objectivist philosophy; the relation between values and facts.
An Objectivist site advicing how to improve the quality of life.
Objectivism and Ayn Rand
Objectivist essays and reviews.
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
Home site for the Peikoff book with excerpts.
Objectivist Philosophical Glossary
Definitions and commentary of various concepts.
Objectivist Theory of Free Will
Defense of free will using Objectivist insights.
Some essays and dissertations.
Articles exploring capitalism, objectivism, politics, reason, and related topics.
POP Culture: Premises Of Post-Objectivism
Develops Rand through bridges to other thinkers.
Primacy of Existence
On metaphysics and "consciousness-first" theories.
Principles of Human Action
An online interactive course teaching Objectivist ideology.
Quackgrass Press
Objectivist essays and resources for activists.
Scionics is an integrated application of philosophical naturalism, offering physical, mental and spiritual harmony with the natural world.
The Disingenuous Ethics
Analysis of Peter Singer's famous "railroad track" hypothetical.
The Endowment Racket
On public funding for the arts.
TOC V. ARI: Why Choose TOC
The difference between TOC and ARI, and what is at stake in the choice.
What is Objectivism ?
A beginner-level discussion of Objectivism, misconceptions about it, and its consequences in daily life.