english deutsch
Critical Education in Cyberspace?
A paper by Dr. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, from Educational Philosophy and Theory, 32/2 (2000).
Doom Patrols
A theoretical fiction about postmodernism and popular culture, by Steven Shaviro.
Fredric Jameson and the Limits of Postmodern Theor
Sean Homer considers the current status of Jameson's theory of postmodernism as the cultural logic of late capitalism.
Incredulity towards Postmodernism: Baudrillard, Pe
Some of the main features of postmodernism are discussed - initially as a general term, and more specifically, in regards to theoretical writing.
Post-Modernism And The Recovery Of The Philosophic
F. L. Jackson considers whether or how philosophy is at an end.
Postmodern Blackness
The idea that there is no meaningful connection between black experience and critical thinking about aesthetics or culture must be continually interrogated. By Bell Hooks.
Postmodern Essay Generator
A parody of the postmodern school of academic writing written by Andrew C. Bulhak, using a system for generating random text.
Postmodern Virtualities
Discusses the relationships between new communications systems and postmodern culture.
Reality: Postmodernism, Zen, and the Garden of Ede
Examines the relationship between ideas from the book of Genesis, Zen poets and contemporary postmodern and simulacrum theory.
Rise of the Postmodern
Postmodern angst from Kevin Giovanetto.
Toward a Non-Repressive Critical Pedagogy
A paper by Dr. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, in Educational Theory, 48/4 (1998).
What's Wrong With Postmodernism
Course notes by Charlie Laughlin of Carleton University.