english deutsch
Cip's Thoughts
A foray in perception, human senses reception mechanisms and religious and nonreligious texts about absolute reality.
Life Sucks
For many of us, happiness is impossible to find. The author points out common fallacies in our views of life, and concludes that religion is false, psychiatry too primitive, while television and drugs offer only temporary respite from our suffering.
Matter, Life, and Mind
Metaphysical model of the universe. Science and beyond; paradigm for the mental world inferred from phenomena of life and mind and used for their explanation.
Metaphysics of Space and Motion
A scientific description of reality hypothesizing that matter exists as the spherical wave motion of space, with wave-centers causing particle effects, and wave motion causing time.
RAD's Paradoxical Physics
My last 20 plus years of investigating and musing about physics and gravitation.
Science Unification
Happiness pursuit in society, knowledge pursuit in research and negative action pursuit in universe are unified into one theory.
The Relational View of Fabc
Description of reality in terms of form-working-form trinities, wherein the workings are the spirit of nature, and our mind is a sense-organ for the spirit.
Theory of Absolute Relativity
The search for meaning and truth through philosophy, religion, science, and metaphysics. The reader is warned that it may be a tedious process to learn to understand the author.
Presents a new philosophy based upon the idea of moral field and the increase of decrease our potential energy resulting from climbing up or down in this moral field. Also explains the scientific theory called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity from which totalizm originates.