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Lecture notes by S. Marc Cohen, considering whether the teachings attributed to Anaxagoras are consistent.
Section from Arthur Fairbanks' The First Philosophers of Greece, containing Fairbanks' commentary and translation of the fragments of Anaxagoras.
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
Two different sets of notes from a lecture at the University of Toronto. Explores the relation of this thinker to the thought of his time and ours.
Anaxagoras's Metaphysics
Paper on the Anaxagorean idea of there being something of everything in everything by Gareth B. Matthews.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Anaxagoras
Article on the Greek philosopher responsible for giving philosophy a home at Athens and the first philosopher to introduce a spiritual principle which gives matter life and form.
Life of Anaxagoras
Section on this ancient thinker from the Lives of the Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius, as translated by C.D. Yonge.
MacTutor History of Mathematics: Anaxagoras
Article discussing the astronomical ideas of this ancient thinker, with links to articles on related thinkers.
Wikipedia: Anaxagoras
A short overview of the life, legacy and ideas of this ancient Greek thinker.