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Chats and Forums
Carolina Navy: Aristotle Discussion Forum Frigate, Delphi: Aristotle's Politics, KillDevilHill.com: Aristotle Forum, ONElist: Aristotle-Pol-Phil
4Literature.net - Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, Athenian Constitution, Categories, ClassicNotes: Aristotle's Ethics, ClassicNotes: Aristotle's Politics, Free Online Library: Aristotle, Metaphysics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics
Overview includes sections on myth of his suicide, writings, and bibliography.
University of Michigan site explaining how the Greek philosopher believed in a geocentric universe and four elements.
Short biography, with special attention paid to the impact of his Poetics.
Aristotle - Immortal Philosopher of Antiquity
Survey of Aristotle's logical work, especially his "Organon" and the syllogistic and dialectic elements in his philosophy.
Aristotle and Aristotelian Ethics
Discussion forum, lectures, and links to texts on Aristotle's ethical theories.
Aristotle the Mathematician
Biography and overview of Aristotle's mathematical contributions. Provided by the University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
Aristotle's Ethics
Discussion of Aristotle's ethical views; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Richard Kraut.
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Aristotle's notions of category and substance by S. Marc Cohen.
Aristotle's Poetics: Complexity and Pleasure
An essay by Souvik Mukherjee, which considers the Poetics in the context of Plato and more recent writers.
Aristotle's Political Philosophy Page
Collection of links and articles dealing with all aspects of Aristotle's political philosophy.
Aristotle's Rhetoric
Discussion of one of Aristotle's major works by Christof Rapp.
Aristotle's science of being qua being
A study of the definition of metaphysics as science of being qua being in the work of Aristotle.
Aristotle, Classic Technique, and Greek Drama
A brief study of the Poetics, by Martha Fletcher Bellinger.
Biography of Aristotle
This article suggests that Aristotle, more than any other thinker, determined the orientation and the content of Western intellectual history.
ClassicNotes: Aristotle
Short biography of Aristotle written by Harvard students.
European Graduate School - Aristotle
Featuring the Greek philosopher and discussing his writings about logic, physical and psychological works, and works on natural history.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Aristotle
Biography and analysis.
Island of Freedom: Aristotle
A short biography and some quotes.
Non-contradiction.com: Aristotle
Database of information about Aristotle and Aristotelian philosophy.
Physics by Aristotle
Part of the Internet Classics Archive at MIT. Aristotle's ideas held sway for 1500+ years, and there is still reference to "Aristotelian thinking" in education circles today. Read what it's all about.
Quote DB: Aristotle
Over 50 quotations including ratings and a tool to email quotes.
Radical Academy - The Philosophy of Aristotle
A series of essays on Aristotle and Aristotelian philosophy, and criticism from a radical perspective.
Science and Human Values - Aristotle
Article by Prof. Fred L. Wilson of the Rochester Institute of Technology on Aristotle's impact on the History and Philosophy of Science
Slice of Philosophy: Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Biography and a listing of the works of Aristotle.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Aristotle&apo
Survey of Aristotle's logical work, with a focus on the "Organon".
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Aristotle&apo
Recounts the principal and distinctive claims of Aristotle's psychological writings, especially "De Anima".
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Aristotle&apo
An article by Fred D. Miller, Jr.