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Biographical study, placing particular emphasis on Avicenna's historical context and his mathematical and scientific thought.
Entry from the "Encyclopaedia of the Orient".
Avicenna Information
Includes information about the philosopher's historical setting, a summary of his important work, and an analysis of his significance for Christians today.
Encyclopedia of Islam: Ibn Sina
Article covering Avicenna's life, work and influence, supplemented with an extensive biography.
Ibn Sina
From the Islamic World to 1600 Tutorial, a multimedia introduction to the first millennium of Islamic history, developed by the Applied History Research Group.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Home page
An extensive directory of links about this thinker, provided by Muslimphilosophy.com. Features a number of his works in PDF format.
Kitab al Qanoun fi al Toubb
Online text of Ibn Sina's "The Book of the Canon of Medicine", in Arabic; includes a biographical note by Abd al-Rahman al Naqib, of Mansoura University, Egypt. Provided by the American University of Beirut.
Memoirs of Popular Delusions: Avicenna
Passage on this thinker and his relation to alchemy, by Charles Mackay.
The Window: Avicenna
Concise biography, focusing on the main points of Avicenna's career.