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Al Ghazali and Averroes
Lecture notes by R.J. Kilcullen about the controversy between these great medieval Islamic thinkers.
A student project by Henry Snyder on this Sufi philosopher. Includes biography, intellectual background, and a review of a portion of The Incoherence of the Philosophers.
Al-Ghazali's Website
Basic information and an extensive collection of annotated links. From Islamic Philosophy Online.
Centre for Islam and Science - Al-Ghazali
Biographical article by Mustafa Abu Sway. Includes lists of primary and secondary sources.
Imam al-Ghazali
Biography and theological review by G.F. Haddad.
The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife
T.J. Winter's translation of this excerpt from Ghazali's The Revival of the Religious Sciences. From the Fordham Medieval Sourcebook.
The Window: Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
Biography of this noted Persian Sufi thinker.