english deutsch
Nuptial Arithmetic: Marsilio Ficino's Comment, On Divine Frenzy, On Obtaining Life from the Heavens, On the Alchemical Art
A detailed biographical article, from the introduction to an English edition of his correspondence.
General Theory of Natural Magic
Essay by D.P. Walker, considering Ficino's theory of magic in context.
Marsilio Ficino
Entry from the Catholic Encyclopedia on this Renaissance Platonist, by M. Schumacher. Details his life and explores his relation to the classical thinkers.
Marsilio Ficino
Wikipedia entry on this Renaissance philosopher.
Marsilio Ficino
Biography and introduction to Ficino's astrology, magic and philosophy. Includes some detailed articles on Ficino's astrological thought.
On Marsilio Ficino
A 2001 essay by Edmond H. Wollman. Reviews this Italian thinker's ideas and their context.
Secrets of the Heavens
A Ficino-inspired musical setting of Renaissance Latin versions of several Orphic hymns. Background information on Ficino includes two papers by Angela Voss.
The Astrology of Marsilio Ficino: Divination or Sc
Details background and theory of the astrology of this famous Renaissance scholar.
Witchcraft and the Occult: Marsilio Ficino
An illustrated biographical essay with extensive bibliography.