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Bestiality and Humanity, Destruction of Reason, Faith and Knowledge, Georg Simmel on Philosophy and Culture: Postscript, Habermas's Idea of the Theory of Knowledge as, The European Nation-State: On the Past and Future , The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, Theorems of Legitimation Crisis, Why Europe Needs A Constitution
European Graduate School - Jürgen Habermas
Features a biography, an extensive bibliography and collection of resources on this scholar.
Habermas and the Philosophy of Education
Article from the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education by Nadja Hermann. Emphasizes how Habermas works to reconstruct the conditions which support pedagogy.
Habermas Links
Collected by Antti Kauppinen.
Habermas Online
An extensive collection of resources on this scholar. News, online texts, secondary sources and links.
Introduction to Habermas's Discourse Ethics
A concise outline of this aspect of Habermas' thought, by Robert Cavalier and Charles Ess. Places this aspect of Habermas' work in the context of his larger project of reconstructing the processes of the Enlightenment.
Jürgen Habermas Webography
In addition to a traditional bibliography, this site contains links to a variety of resource materials related to the work of Jürgen Habermas on the World Wide Web.
The Discourse Ethics of Jürgen Habermas
A short essay by Antje Gimmler. Outlines three characteristics of Habermas' ethics, and presents three problems.