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A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Volume I, A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Volume I, A System of Moral Philosophy - Francis Hutcheson, A System of Moral Philosophy, Volume I, A System of Moral Philosophy, Volume II, Francis Hutcheson: The Fable of the Bees
Aesthetics: Hutcheson
A brief introduction to his novel concept of psychological aesthetics.
English Historical Review: Francis Hutcheson in Du
Book review.
Francis Hutcheson
Brief biographical note, critical bibliography.
History of Economic Thought: Francis Hutcheson
A concise profile and links.
Thoemmes Encyclopedia of the History of Ideas: Fr
Article on this leader of the Scottish Enlightenment, supplemented with several excerpts from his works. Includes bibliography.
Ulster History: Francis Hurcheson
Information about a memorial placque in Northern Ireland.
Wikipedia: Francis Hutcheson, Theologian
Article based on the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica.