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Encyclopaedia of the Orient: Ibn Khaldoun
A short biography.
Ibm Khaldun - Father of Economics
Paper by Ibrahim M. Oweiss citing Khaldun's writings as the inspiration of modern economic theory and of Adam Smith himself.
Ibn Khaldun and Comte - Discontinuity or Progress
Short essay that argues for including a session on Ibn Khaldun (comparing him to Comte) in a social theory syllabus.
Ibn Khaldun and Our Age
Paper by James Kalb giving a treatment of Khaldun's philosophy of society and its applicability in the modern day.
Ibn Khaldun Discussion
Discussion board devoted to Khaldun and his works.
Ibn Khaldun on the Web
Extensive web directory and guide to the great Arab historian and philosopher of history, including articles, academic papers, online books, and web biographies.
In the Liberal Tradition: Ibn Khaldun
Short profile of Khaldun and his place in the Western liberal tradition, provided by the Acton Institute.
Islamic Gateway - Ibn Khaldun
An overview of Khaldun's contributions to philosophy of history and sociology.
Islamic Political Thought: Ibn Khaldun
Paper by R. J. Kilcullen, briefly summarizing Khaldun's theories on the rise and fall of states and civilizations.
Liberal Thinkers: Abd ar-Rahman Ibn Mu-hammad Ibn
A short biography from the site of Liberal International.
Muslim Philosophy: Ibn Khaldun
A history of the philospher.
Muslims Online - Ibn Khaldun, 1332-1395 C.E.
A biography and outline of beliefs written by Dr. A. Zahoor.