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Acton Institute: John Locke (1632-1704), Biography of John Locke, ILT Web: John Locke, John Locke Biography, John Locke Timeline, Philosphypages.com: John Locke, The Radical Academy: John Locke, The Victorian Web: John Locke, The Window: John Locke
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Great Books Index: John Locke, John Locke's Works, John Locke: Two Treatises of Government (1680-1690, Letter on Toleration, Modern History Sourcebook: Some Thougts Concerning, Of the Conduct of the Understanding, Second Treatise on Gouvernment, Some Thoughts Concerning Education
About John Locke
Everything about the British philosopher. Contains biography, bibliography and related resources.
About John Locke
Summary about Locke's life, his philosophies, political and ethical theories.
Bluepete.com: John Locke
Extensive biography of John Locke. Concentrates on Locke's philosophical thesis.
Economics 3LL3: Locke
Biography, bibliography and links. Also includes full texts of a number of Locke's economic and political writings.
From Revolution to Reconstruction: John Locke
A biography about the liberal philosopher. Provides two texts as online versions.
Information Please: John Locke
Concise biography about the political scientist, regarding his political and ethical thesis.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Locke
Biographical information and an explanation of his major ideas.
John Locke
This short text presents two of Locke's significant works and explains his philosophical ideas.
John Locke and Human Understanding
Discussion about Locke's philosophical text.
John Locke Bibliography
List of recent publications about the English philosopher.
John Locke Foundation
Political organization in North Carolina based on Lockean thought.
Libertyhaven.com: John Locke
Read two articles about John Locke, emphasizing the doctrine of rights and power.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Locke
Life, thoughts and bibliography.
The Locke Institute
An independent, educational and research organization. The Institute ascribes to Locke's theory that society is based on natural law.