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A Conversation With Catherine MacKinnon
A 1995 PBS Think Tank program, including full transcript.
Am I Annoying or Not: Catharine MacKinnon
Lists reasons why she might or might not be annoying.
Are Women Human?
MacKinnon's reflections on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 171.
Biography.com: MacKinnon, Catharine
A one-paragraph life of this leading legal thinker.
Catharine MacKinnon's and Andrea Dworkin&apos
Six separately sufficient criteria for pornography. In relation to the legal case American Booksellers, Inc. v. Hudnut.
Catherine A. MacKinnon: The Rise of a Feminist Ce
A highly critical Media Coalition report by Christopher M. Finan.
Feminist Theory: Catharine MacKinnon
Biography and bibliography of this United States feminist. By Kristin Switala.
Flyer for the Ninth Annual DMN Lecture
A concise biography of MacKinnon, the 2002 speaker.
Mackinnon: Pornography is Oppression
1995 article from The Ethical Spectacle, evaluating MacKinnon's view of pornography and her proposed solution.
My Dinner With Catherine MacKinnon
Julia Dibble's explanation of how she ended up being paired with MacKinnon.
Online NewsHour: Supreme Court Watch
A moderated discussion from 2000 between professors MacKinnon and Michael McConnell.
PhilosophyPages: MacKinnon
A brief discussion of the life and works of Catharine MacKinnon, with links to additional information.
Prof. MacKinnon an Enemy of University's Valu
Article by student Justin Shubow, from the Michigan Daily Online.
Some short excerpts from MacKinnon's Feminism Unmodified.
Radical Feminism or Worthwhile Provocation?
A short paper in favor of the MacKinnon position on pornography.
The Outsider: Catharine MacKinnon
A 1999 article by Frances Olson about this legal theorist's relation to sexual-harassment law.
University of Michigan Law School: Catharine MacK
Official faculty page. Includes profile, list of recent publications.
Violence Against Women: Interview with Catharine
Transcript of an online conversation with this feminist scholar, from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.