english deutsch
Jacques Maritain
Scholarly study by William Sweet, from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Jacques Maritain
A student paper by Martin Luther King Jr. on this Catholic scholar, from a course on Christian Social Philosophy.
Jacques Maritain on the Church
Article by Bernard Doering in the Summer 2002 issue of CrossCurrents.
Jacques Maritain's Philosophy of History
Includes the content of four lectures on the subject of the Philosophy of History given by Jacques Maritain.
Jacques Maritain: Modern Philosophy in the Traditi
Intellectual profile by E.J. Borich.
Nature and Grace: The Theological Foundations of J
An article by Eduardo J. Echeverria published in Markets and Morality in 2001.
The Canadian Jacques Maritain Association
Organization dedicated to philosophy, with an emphasis on this neo-Thomistic thinker. Organizational information, events.
The Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame
Institute dedicated to the philosopher, at this Indiana school. Includes extensive online texts, archive information.
The Window: Jacques Maritain
Concise biography of this French philosopher.