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Constraints and Animals, Decisions of Principle, Principles of Decision, Proviso, Robert Nozick Quotes, Sexuality, The Entitlement Theory, The Tale of the Slave, Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?
Anarchist in the Academy
Obituary by Brian Doherty, published in Reason magazine.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Robert Nozick
Biographical information and an explanation of his major ideas.
Interview with Robert Nozick
Probably the last interview of Robert Nozick, published in the site of Laissez Faire Books.
Liberal Thinkers: Robert Nozick
A short biography from the site of Liberal International.
Libertarian philosopher Robert Nozick dies
An announcement on the site of the Libertarian Party.
Life of Liberty - Robert Nozick, R.I.P.
Tribute to Nozick by Richard A. Epstein in National Review.
Not all words need be last words
Obituary of Robert Nozick and review of his last book Invariances in the Economist.
Nozick on Newcomb's Problem and Prisoners&apo
Professor Susan L. Hurley's essay summarizes Nozick's insights on these problems.
Nozick's Libertarianism: A Qualified Defence
Uses Nozickian entitlement theory to defend a libertarian state.
Obituary: Professor Robert Nozick
Obituary originally published in the Times (UK).
Philosopher Nozick dies at 63
Announcement of Nozick's death from Harvard University Gazette.
Robert Nozick
A summary of the political philosophy of Robert Nozick by R. N. Johnson.
Robert Nozick
Introduction from a book about Robert Nozick's philosophy, edited by David Schmidtz.
Robert Nozick (1938 - 2002)
Introduction by libertyguide.com.
Robert Nozick - Libertarian
A short introduction on the site of the Advocates for Self-Government.
Robert Nozick Named University Professor
An article in the Harvard University Gazette, includes some biographical material.
Robert Nozick, Philosopher of Liberty
An obituary by Roderick T. Long published in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty.
Robert Nozick, RIP
A memorial and links to other resources about Robert Nozick, including several obituaries.
Robert Nozick: Against Distributive Justice
Includes a comparison with Rawls's Theory of Justice, Nozick's theory of rights, essay by R.J. Kilcullen.
Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State and Utopia
R.J. Kilcullen's essay on Nozick's thought in Anarchy, State and Utopia.
The price of freedom
Obituary by Alasdair Palmer in The Spectator (UK).
Two Conceptions of Justice
Compares and contrasts Nozick's and Rawls's theories of justice.