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Paul Ricoeur - Laudatio and Profile
Biography and tribute provided by the International Balzan Foundation.
Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion
A 1995 paper by G.D. Robinson. A concise critique of Ricoeur's approach to hermeneutics.
Paul Ricoeur: The Academic Homepage
The academic homepage of Paul Ricoeur was initiated by the Institute for Axiological Research, Vienna. It offers different resources as a chronology, primary and secondary texts, biographies, bibliographies, and photography.
Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur's Id
Paper by Marcelio Felix Tura from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. Uses Ricoeur's example to show the potential of a hermeneutic approach to social philosophy.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Paul Ricoeur
Article by Bernard Dauenhauer. Includes biographical information and bibliography, as well as a close look at several different aspects of Ricoeur's work.