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About - Sartre, Jean-Paul, Age of the Sage: Sartre, Jean-Paul, Author's Calendar: Jean Paul Sartre, Blupete.com: Jean-Paul Sartre, Boston Globe Online: Sartre, Jean-Paul, Boston Globe Online: Sartre, Jean-Paul, Columbia Encyclopedia: Sartre, Encyclopedia.com: Sartre, Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul Sartre Biography by Andreas Teuber, MSN Encarta : Sartre, Jean-Paul
Existentialism is a Humanism, No Exit, No Exit, Sartre on Amnesty, The Jean-Paul Sartre Internet Archive, The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Emotions, The Transcendence of the Ego, Those Who Are Confronting Apartheid Should Know Th
Age of the Sage: Existentialism
Read the origins of Existentialism, and what it believes. Jean Paul Sartre was one of the greatest Philosopher about this Theme.
EpistemeLinks.com: Jean-Paul Sartre
Different links to Sartre-related Web sites.
Find a Grave - Jean-Paul Sartre
View several pictures of Jean-Paul Sartre's grave, including details of the headstone. Includes a brief biography.
Jean Paul Sartre by Katharena Eiermann
Katharena Eiermann's tribute to existentialism and Jean Paul Sartre. Site includes biography, essays, articles, photos, quotes and links to related sites.
Jean-Paul Sartre - Philosophy and Existentialism
Information about existentialism in general, along with texts and a forum.
Jean-Paul Sartre Summary
A brief glossary of some important terms in Sartre's thought.
Library of Living Philosophers: Jean-Paul Sartre
An interview conducted while Sartre was still in good health except for his near-blindness. The questions provide an important insight into Sartre's life and philosophy.
New Humanism and Sartre's Moral Philosophy
Aims to help young people gain an understanding of new humanism and Sartre's moral philosophy.
North American Sartre Society
The Society, dedicated to the study of all aspects of the work and thought of Jean-Paul Sartre, presents extracts from its journal and information about its activities.
Paul Vincent Spade's Sartre Page
Downloadable lecture notes in Acrobat format, which provide information on the basics of Being and Nothingness, touching briefly on Psychology of Imagination and Transcendance of the Ego.
PhilosophyClassics.com: Jean-Paul Sartre
Several essays on aspects of Sartre's ethics of authenticity and bad faith, along with a selection of links and resources.
Sartre on Terrorism
An outline of Sartre's position on political terrorism, from Politics and Media Review.
Sartre's Existentialism and Early Buddhism
A republished doctoral thesis which compares Sartre's philosophy to early buddhist thought.
Dedicated to this French philosopher of the 20th century. Includes works, pictures and a forum.
The Cry: Jean Paul Sartre
Presents quotes, images, and a short biography, and featured online works.
The New York Review of Books: Sartre at Seventy: A
Read an Interview with Jean-Paul Sartre and Michel Contat. An article by Paul Auster from The New York Review of Books, August 7, 1975
The Philosopher's Lighthouse: Sartre
Sections on Sartre's life, and his thoughts on topics including reality, morality, society, religion, and freedom.