english deutsch
Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes, On Suicide, On the Sufferings of the World, Squashed Schopenhauer, The Objectification of the Will
Arthur Schopenhauer
Life and work of 19th century German philosopher; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Robert Wicks.
Arthur Schopenhauer
An essay by Kelley L. Ross on this philosopher, considering his relation to his own and later times.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788- 1857)
Provides a biography, a brief discussion of Schopenhauer's Philosophie, links, and a message board.
Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860
Introduction to Schopenhauer's work with some excerpts from "Parerga and Paralipomena."
MSN Learning & Research: Schopenhauer, Arthur
Short article on Schopenhauer in Microsoft's Encarta.
Radical Academy: The Philosophy of Arthur Schopen
An overview of the life and doctrine of this philosopher.
Schopenhauer and Freud
Essay by Christopher Young and Andrew Brook from "International Journal of Psychoanalysis", 1994.
Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Idea
Essay about motives of self-conflict in Schopenhauer's philosophy by Alex Scott.