english deutsch
A Dialogue on the Relationship between Learning an
This dialogue includes many participants from the self-esteem movement in the US and explores the relationship between educational philosophy and practice and self-esteem.
Amorality and the Philosophy of Education
What does the concept of amorality mean for our practices of education and responsibility? (by L.F. le Sage)
Essays on Philosophy of Education
Links to online essays and papers by Rick Garlikov concerning philosophical topics, particularly philosophy of education and ethics (moral philosophy).
Media Courage: Impossible Pedagogy In An Artificia
Doctoral dissertation by Fred Isseks discussing media literacy, courage, and the philosophy of education in the postmodern environment.
Postmodernism, Pedagogy, and the Philosophy of Edu
PES Presidential Address by Clive Beck
The Evils of Inductivism
Inductivism, the long-discredited yet ubiquitous and entrenched educational theory, which is based upon the long dead theory of Epistemology and Scientific Methodology, actually rejects explanatory teaching as unnatural.