english deutsch
Fodor and Psychological Explanations, Fodor and Pylshyn Refuted, LOTH: State of the Art, The Language of Thought, The Language of Thought Hypothesis
Private Language Argument
Hacker on a Private Language Argument, Outline of the Private Language Argument, Private Language, Wittgenstein on Private Language and Private Menta, Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, Wittgenstein sans The Private Language Argument, Wittgenstein's `Private Language' Argume
Natural Language and Thought
Debate in Behaviour and Philosophy, consisting of two essays: `Doing Without Mentalese' by Larry Hauser, and `Thinking Without English' by Barbara Abbott.
The Role of Language in Intelligence
Article by Daniel Dennett, published in What is Intelligence?, The Darwin College Lectures (1994).