english deutsch
Book Review: Maya
metaphor of the virtual reality used to discuss consciousness.
Comments on Bohm's philosophy
David Bohm verges on Two-Tier Reality in physics and metaphysics
Dialectical Journal
Attempt to marry physics and dialectics
Diary of TGD creation
TGD is universal theory based on p-Adic numbers
In art and poetry, time may have at least two dime
time may have at least two dimensions.
A Different View of Some Concepts in Physics
Intercepted Transmission (by Mark Thornally)
Links, stories, and graphics from the boundary of physics speculations, fantasy, and art.
Mind and Matter
A collection of essays.
An essay on the nature of physics, existence, and human behavior
Physics & Humanities.
Who wrote this: Sokal & Bricmont or Lenin?
Physics Foibles
Popular book on current topics, with related software in Visual Basic.
Physics Inside-Out:
Inversion of spacetime through the Planck length reveals novel cosmological symmetries.
Shuffled Cards, Messy Desks, and Disorderly Dorm R
Critical review of popular use of the concept of entropy, in the Journal of Chemical Education.
The Big View
An examination of the philosophical roots of cosmology.
The End of Science.
Essay on role of Mathematics in physics
Universe - Consciousness - anthology
This is an invitation to submit your views on physics , cosmology - and spirituality, less restrictive then physics journals.
zeno's paradoxes: original text and QM
Serious study of non-problem