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An Instant Runoff Election for the 2004 Presidency
Rank the 2004 presidential candidates, and observe as this simulated election is determined by instant runoff voting.
Better Voting Methods Through Technology: The Refi
Dr. Nicolaus Tideman's unpublished paper explaining the development of STV methods for quotas and transfers. [PDF, 18 pages]
Center for Voting and Democracy's Instant Run
Repository of articles about "Instant Runoff Voting", which is the CVD's term for the single winner variation of Single Transferable Vote.
Ferndale Residents for Instant Runoff Voting (F-IR
Coalition from Ferndale, Michigan working to generate a referendum for November 2004 election that will allow Ferndale voters to implement Instant Runoff Voting
Instant Runoff Mailing List
A national discussion for advocates of Instant Runoff Voting/Single Transferable Vote
Advocates Instant Runoff Voting, i.e. ranking candidates on election ballots, with the goal of eliminating the 'wasted' vote or 'spoiler' candidacy.
Malta Elections
Elections in Malta under the single-transferable-vote (STV) system, 1921 - 1996.
Single Transferable Vote Software
Open source software for implementing instant runoff voting and the single transferable vote.
single-transferable-vote mailing list
Communications on and around the STV preferential voting method
STV Tally Analogy
Concise, visual description of Single Transferrable Vote with explanatory diagrams
stv-voting mailing list
List for discussing the Single Transferable Vote voting system
TCD Political Science -- Michael Marsh
Researcher of STV-based systems in Ireland. This page contains many papers about STV and party strategies surrounding the method.