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League of Women Voters of Beaver County
Voters' guide and contact information for elected officials.
League of Women Voters of Berks County
Newsletters, membership information, and voting resources.
League of Women Voters of Bucks County
Features voting information, calendar, membership information, legislative guide and grassroots lobbying information.
League of Women Voters of Chester County
Features legislative directory, municipality district guide, program, membership information, Kids Voting project, calendar and voting information.
League of Women Voters of Delaware County
Features events and contact information.
League of Women Voters of Lackawanna County
Calendar of events, voting resources, and membership information.
League of Women Voters of Mercer County
Voting resources, calendar of events, and membership information.
League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania
Nonpartisan political membership organization encourages informed, active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Includes information about voting and government, election calendar, membership information, members area, and membership information.
League of Women Voters of Philadelphia
Features news, voter information, newsletter, directory of government officials, positions, events, projects, services and membership information.
League of Women Voters of Radnor Township
Calendar of events, position statements, and voting resources.
League of Women Voters of the Harrisburg Area
Voting resources, calendar of events, and membership information.
League of Women Voters of the Lehigh Valley
Voting resources and contact information for elected officials.
League of Women Voters of Warren County
Voting resources and membership information.
League of Women Voters of Washington County
Features election and voting information, government guide, calendar, newsletter, services policy and membership information.
Swarthmore League of Women Voters
Provides voter guide, newsletter, calendar of events, and related links.
Yahoo! Groups: League of Women Voters of Monroe Co
Mailing list for members.