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A Conservative Site for Peace
Covering a variety of political, social, and theological topics, with a Russian flavor.
American Realpolitik
Daily reader for American patriots.
American WorldView Dispatch
Links to stories around the Internet and personal commentary from a conservative and Christian perspective by Frederick B. Meekins.
Political and sports commentary and links.
Bougger, Jason: Theme of Absence
Weblog for news items and political commentary from an independent conservative view.
Chudogg's House
Conservative and pro-war opinions, editorials and news.
Cliff Alligood, Jr.
Comments on current events.
Conservatism Blog
News, analysis, and philosophy.
Conservative Thinker
A weblog devoted to modern politics, culture, and human behavior.
Discussing the intermingling of current events and politics.
A conservative weblog by David Gillies covering world politics, evolution, and philosophy of science.
An offbeat blog, with archives, covering current issues from a conservative and Catholic view.
Holford Web
Archive of the David's Mental Meanderings e-newsletter and other articles, primarily focusing on social and political issues in the UK from an American ex-pat perspective. Includes biographical information about David Holford.
A blog offering conservative commentary, humor, insight and analysis.
Imperial Palace of Grey
A blog of iconoclastic rants, with various links.
Kevin's Blogs
A weblog dedicated to conservative commentary, public policy, and daily headlines from around the world.
Le Sabot Post Modern
Analyzing political and cultural trends from a conservative, Reformed Christian, expatriot perspective.
Mad Jayhawk
Comments on news and politics.
Social and political commentary by an "angry Wisconsinite".
Political commentary and humor in blog format from a self-described young right-wing mind.
Rooster Valley Press
Conservative, libertarian weblog.
Views on current affairs.
Southern California Conversations
Opinions on issues affecting California.
The Conservative Crust
Conservative political cartoons and commentary with rright-wing links.
The Ice Axe
News and views on politics and culture, from a conservative and Christian perspective.
Thoughts from the Boy King
Conservative analysis of political events and trends.
Blog focusing primarily on British, European Union and Anglosphere affairs from a free-market laissez faire perspective.
View from the Right
Weblog offering news, commentary and philosophical reflections from an antimodern traditionalist conservative perspective.
Vodkapundit - All the News That's Fit to Drin
Stephen Green's writer and investors conservative political journal.
Waiting For John Galt
Web journal for self-described rantings on social and political issues of the day from a conservative/individualist perspective.
What Can Brown Do For You?
Conservative columnist John Brown's take on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
What Did You Call Me?
Conservative commentary responding to left wing and Islamic news sources and sites.
World News Today
A conservative's weblog on news and poltics around the world.
A blog site offering conservative philosophy and commentary; links to conservative and libertarian news sites.
Xavier Gold: Me Against The World
A blog with posts about the (fictional) life of Xavier Gold and the bizarre things that happen to him, and also his views on current events and other subjects.