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Anti-Pat Robertson/Christian Coalition Site
Features quotes from leaders of the Radical Religious Right, his support of oppressive dictators around the world, using donations for his own profit making ventures, information and links.
Biblical America Resistance Front
A small think-tank and research group that specializes in oppositional research, focusing on the Religious Right and others who seek to use their particular form of religious fundamentalism as the sole basis of public policy.
Gives news on fundamentalism and views on the religious right.
Falwell-Robertson-Bin Laden Quiz
Compares statements made by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Usama bin Laden.
Texas-based group advocating strict separation of church and state. Essays critical of the religious right's influence in the GOP.
Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast (RFCS
A non-profit, public interest association created to preserve, protect and defend the right to worship as they wish, roll back Religious Right abuses, root out religious and political fraud and corruption, and champion causes which further religious freedom.
The American Religious Right
A comprehensive look at the American Religious Right's online activities.